Tuesday, June 19, 2007

And I'm spent

Well, dishes are done, bottles are washed, clothes are folded and put away, and the living room has been picked up. I think I'll tell Thad that he can take the mini dumpster out to the big dumpster to empty it out tonight.

Thad's folks are in town, and are on their way over to pick up Elora and take her to her great-grandma's house for a birthday party. Since I'll be going to work I don't think I'll be attending, but perhaps I'll get to see some of the family tomorrow. Maybe not, we'll see.

My pants have cuffed hems, and I will probably have to go throw them in the dryer because the cuffs are all whacked out. Riveting information, I know. You heard it hear first..... I don't like to iron.

I have been watching a show called "Til Debt Do Us Part", and it features couples in different stages of their lives that are burdened by debt. A financial planner comes in and gives them a big dose of reality about the way they spend compared to how much they earn. The couple get's their expenses slashed pretty drastically, and is forced to give up all credit and debit cards and use cash only. Their cash is budgeted out into jars for a week, and they can spend it on food, clothes, transportation, entertainment, and other. It's pretty interesting, especially when you see the idiots that sign up for the show for $5000 but don't want to do anything the lady says.

Well, I better get this khaki situation taken care of and go get the mail. It's getting to be the time to get ready to go to work.

I'll try to blog at work tonight!


Anonymous said...

As I was reading about your hems, I was like "why doesn't she just iron them?" Then I got to the end of your paragraph....

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I did that with our money for a few months (even tried EVERY financial trick) instead of jars we used envelopes. The nice thing about it is that when you are going to spend money on something you know exactly what budget you are dipping into. Like, "Oh, I need cigarettes, but I don't have any money. I guess I will take $5 from gas/food/tanning."