Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Doin' it and doin' it and doin' it well

I'm super duper excited for my days off this week. I took Friday off so we can bbq in our backyards with some friends, and Thursday night my red-haired hooker friend Adriennit is coming to town to feast on homemade Thai food and mojitos. Hilarity shall ensue, and it will be well documented when we take pictures and post them on this blog for the world to share in our silliness.

Elora is a funny girl. She is now rolling from her back to her stomach, but hasn't quit mastered getting to her back again. When she wakes up she begins punching me in the face and arching her little back while turning onto her side like she's trying to put her face up for kisses. Here's a sweet little picture of her:

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Here are a couple that Thad took that made me laugh.
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And here is another, just for fun:
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I realize that my previous post about that friend who has remained nameless sounds very harsh. I'm not editing it or taking it down because the spirit of the blog is nothing I feel remorse for. I don't think that I should have said as many things as I did about that person's blogs or their issues, because I would hate for someone to say those kinds of things about me.

In the same token, if I ever treated someone I proclaimed to love the way that this person has treated me, regardless of her reasons for doing so, I would fully expect to be taken to task about it. I'd hate to think that this scenario was one of those "pointing the finger means you have three more pointing back at you" situations, so if you've been done a horrible injustice by me in the past, present, or sense an injustice in the future, let me know..... in the comments!


Anonymous said...

Oh, the horrible injustices that you have thrust upon me! Where shall I begin? I know! How about when we were six and I went over to play with you and you dogged me out to go play baseball cards with Amber Dunks? Bitch!

Anonymous said...

Your baby is so freakin cute - I can't get enough!