I had my interview for the supervisor position today. I think I did really well. I don't know if it was enough to secure me the position, but I felt good answering the questions, and I think that my answers really represented me well.
I'm throwing a pity party. Thad is eating dinner with friends tonight, and my baby is there, and I bet he's having a great time, and can't help but wonder if part of the reason he's having a good time is because I'm not there. BOO HOO! God I'm a wiener.
Yeah, I meant to say wiener, not whiner. If I was a whiner in my blog I would be a "bwhiner", as I mentioned in my very first post. But it bums me out that he's out there, living the life of a single dad, hanging out with friends while their girlfriends or what not are holding the baby and ooooohing and aaaaahing (these girls are my friends too, but it's my pity party, so I'll ignore that fact) while I'm here slaving away to make a buck and come home to spend both my days off taking care of my child while he gets to go help his friend move and get out of the house.
Here is my day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays:
10:00am I try to sleep in until about 10 so that I can function from 3-midnight for work. This only happens when Elora cooperates and stays in a soggy diaper for a couple hours. She wakes up happy, so lay off my parenting skills
10:15am-1:00pm This time is filled with attempting to eat a couple small meals while still giving my child attention, as well as showering and trying to get basic housework done. Thad thinks that he helps a whole bunch, I think, but if that were the case I wouldn't have do the dishes almost every other day. I usually try to put Elora in her walker so she can watch me while I do dishes. Even this young it's tempting to plop her in front of the tv, and admit that Baby Einstein has allowed me to shower without a child crying a few times lately. It doesn't help that she loves tv.
1:00-2:00pm If I haven't left for work a little early I'm usually racing around trying to get my diaper bag together, dress myself, get the dogs into the house to eat and then back out to their pen in the yard, dress and change the baby, make sure she's fed, and then racing out the door to get her over to my sister and brother-in-law's for daycare.
2:00-2:30 I am usually headed into work by this time, stopping occasionally for an iced coffee at McDonald's, or a granita at Mountain Mudd.
3:00-midnight I field questions from fellow customer care associates. These can range from payment issues, billing questions, troubleshooting problems, and customer's that want to talk to a supervisor. While performing these duties I am attempting to catch up on emails, as well as staying on top of breaking gossip news on my favorite blogs.
12:00-1:00AM I'm usually on my way home from work, and if you are a drunk on the streets of Billings you better WATCH OUT! My phone has the Billings Police Department in it's contact list, and I called in a drunky last week. I get home, sneaking in like a thief, and immediately wash my hands and brush my teeth. I usually feel a little dirty and gross after eating at work and not brushing in a while, so much so I've considered getting a toothbrush to bring to work with me. Then I usually eat something (I know, defeats the purpose of brushing), watch a little tv or play Oblivion, maybe drink a beer, and head to bed.
My baby is always waiting for me on my side of the bed. I have to slide her closer to her father so I can take up my post (which means I'm balancing precariously on the edge of the bed trying not to fall off while Thad tries to tell me
he's on the edge of his side while he's laying flat on his back with a foot of space between him and the edge). Once I've successfully weaned her she'll be in her crib, but I'm holding off just a little longer. I have loved nursing, and it's so easy, but it is fast approaching its end.
Well, I've gone on and on, and I haven't even asked about you..... How are you tonight?