Thursday, February 26, 2009

The most beautiful girl in the world: a retrospective

Here is Elora in the morning. I love her when she wakes me up by saying "snuggle", then she snuggles me, then immediately sits up and says "waffles". This is nearly every morning, but I get a kick out of it.

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Here is one where her father put in a bunch of piggies, all over her head, and the giggles that ensued. She looks pretty serious in the first picture, but we were really laughing a lot.

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She's proof-reading the rough draft of her memoir: Mi Madre Loca, Mi Vida (loosely translated, "My Crazy Mother: My Life").

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These were from just today. She was eating a Starburst and saying cheese.

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Jen Strange said...

she is absolutely gorgeous!

Adrienne said...

And she smells like maple syrup.
hee hee